Normandy 2nd – 4th June 2012

Top of Forum General Trip Planning Normandy 2nd – 4th June 2012

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    Ant , j’ose à peine le dire mais je pourrai pas y être non plus , aussi des obligations familiales, c’est bien dommage


      Zut alors! Michel -2 = dommage x10! Mais tant pis – c’est une année bien chargée – a la prochaine!

      Looks like we will be a bit thin on the ground – never mind – plenty of sun and Calvados will compensate! 😀



      @ant wrote:

      Zut alors! Michel -2 = dommage x10! Mais tant pis – c’est une année bien chargée – a la prochaine!

      Looks like we will be a bit thin on the ground – never mind – plenty of sun and Calvados will compensate! 😀


      salut antony
      et surtout que c’est aussi le we de la fete des meres 😳


        Hi all

        Shame we will be a bit thin on the ground, but I understand family comes first. We are still coming and will be chilling out in Normandy before we start our big house extension. Half the house has to come down and then be rebuilt a lot bigger.

        For future reference, is there a French National Holiday weekend that would have been a good choice for a future Dormobile gathering?

        Cheers Mick


          Well, three of us finally made it to Camping St Paul in beautiful Lyons-la-Foret. Mick, Louise, and William in their faithful Dormobile ‘Barney’, Dave, Helen and Alice in their lovely Carawagon, and myself and Kwacha (the Ridgeback!) in our 110 Dormobile.

          We arrived on Friday evening, after a horrific 3 hour crossing of Paris, but were able to appreciate a leisurely ‘aperitif’ on Friday evening with perfect weather. The English contingent arrived on Saturday evening. after horrendous delays with ferries at the English end.

          All things considered, an excellent weekend was had by all. It was a shame no French Dormobiles could be present. but as the Royal motto puts it, “Honi soit qui mal y pense'”! (or in more mdern French ~ Les absents ont eu tort)


            A good time was had by all but, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…


              Watch it Dave – your days are numbered!! :mrgreen:


              bonjour cette annee vous etiez moins nombreux, mais il y avait un peu de soleil 😉


                il y avait un peu de soleil

                Et beaucoup d’ambience anglaise – renforce de calvados!

                Apres tout – Normand = anglais + civilisation – n’ est-ce pas?

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