Normandy 2nd – 4th June 2012

Top of Forum General Trip Planning Normandy 2nd – 4th June 2012

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      Hi all

      Because we didn’t make it in October, we are thinking of popping over to Normandy during the June School half term. The school holiday spans two weekends and we are not sure which would be best for anyone wanting to meet up with us?

      The weekends we are provisionally considering are:
      Arrive Saturday 2nd June, leave Monday 4th June
      Arrive Thursday 7th June, Leave Sunday 10th June

      We will probably go for the first dates to avoid Leafers T’Pit.

      Is there anyone that would like to meet up in Normandy?

      So far, there are 4 vehicle interested in crossing the Channel

      Cheers Mick


      Hello , beginning of june is a very good date , and weather will be nice, I could be there


      😀 ce serait bon pour moi , 🙂 et on peut esperer comme le dit michel un beau temps


        Hello Mick, may well be up for that, had been aiming to pop over to the Normandy beaches in March but the beginning of June seems more civilised, Yacht racing over the second weekend.

        Kind regards


          Hi Phil

          It would be great if you could join us. 2001 had far to many trips where Barney was outnumbered by Carawagons. Would be great to catch up and we could bore you to death with our Morocco stories!

          Looking like is will be the first dates above.

          Cheers Mick


            Looking like is will be the first dates above.

            Yorkshire dialect for June 2nd-4th?? !!

            I could be there.

            Je suis partant – pourvu que les hélicoïdaux sont toujours acceptable! Et que le nouveau Président amène un remorque de liquide trébuchant pour fêter son élection!


              HI all

              Dig Dave has now booked a Chalet at the Campsite at Lyons la Foret, so decision has been taken and we will be coming the first weekend, 2nd to 4th June 2012.
              The plan for us is to cross the channel late Friday night and sleep on the Aires de Service in Calais. We will be there for Breakfast and then heading to Forge-les Eaux for bit of shopping, before heading for Camping St Paul.

              Our only problem is if there will be a ferry with SeaFrance being in difficulties. Shame as we have always had fantastic service from SeaFrance.

              Cheers Mick


                Hi Tony

                Would be great to see you both. This is a Dormobile event, not a Series Land Rover event and you have a Dormobile.

                Did get the bit in French? Do you want me to bring a trailer load of Yorkshire Beer for the new French President? (blame Google Translate)

                Cheers Mick


                  Well Googled Mick! However I think Michel would prefer the contents of the trailer to be from Bordeaux or Burgundy rather than Barnsley! Chops might be acceptable though!


                    I’d better get my Carawagon sorted!

                    Je dois réparer ma carawagon pour le voyage! 😳


                      Since tonight ferry prices have risen again. I think this is due to the news that seafrance is now officially out of business

                      tarifs ferry ce soir, ont encore augmenté. Je pense que cela est dû aux nouvelles qui SeaFrance est maintenant officiellement en faillite


                      😀 oui, je ferais le maximum pour etre present et donc feter dignement mon election de president du temps de series 😉

                      monsieur de suisse, merci de traduire pour nos amis 😉


                      Hello Michel (I will translate it for you :wink:)

                      Michel said that he will do all is best to be present with you, and he wants to bring his Swiss mauve cow (he call her “milka”) to fest without any dignity, his new function of president “du temps des series”.
                      C’est bon MichelJ, j’ai traduit :mrgreen:


                      @MANU21 wrote:

                      Hello Michel (I will translate it for you :wink:)

                      Michel said that he will do all is best to be present with you, and he wants to bring his Swiss mauve cow (he call her “milka”) to fest without any dignity, his new function of president “du temps des series”.
                      C’est bon MichelJ, j’ai traduit :mrgreen:

                      merci manu, me voilà avec deux traducteurs attitrés 😉


                      Bonjour MichelJ,
                      De rien, vraiment de rien 😆
                      Je n’hésiterai pas à traduire en français la réponse à ton message. 😉

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