Water Storage Container for CA

Top of Forum Technical Bedford Water Storage Container for CA

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    I was just wondering what kind of water storage containers anyone has in their campers, specifically the Bedford CA Romany. As I am looking to get one that will fit in the holder under the floor that is found in the CAs. I have one for the gas, one for the water, and one which is a direct hole straight to the road…(toilet??….joke!). So ideally I would like to find one that fits well in the hole for the water. If anyone has one that fits well, or can suggest any then I would be very grateful.

    Many thanks,

    Phil Perfect

      I use standand water jerrycans and don’t put them under the floor. Both are between the rear doors and the “furniture” with one over my Easicool “fridge”.
      I use two of the bins for gaz and the third one for spares (but you are right it was the place for putting the optionnal Elsan toilet facility 😉 )
      If you intend to put a water tank in one of the bins (I am pretty sure that one is missing on your CA) maybe an inflatable water tank can be used but refilling will be trickier than the usual jerrycan

      It seems that there are two types of lids on the floor, square and round depending on the building year. I have 3 round “doors” on my 65 Romany Deluxe.


      I’ve still got the original jerry can which lives in it’s own cupboard, next to the cooker (does anyone else have a CA Deauville, by the way?):

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