South African Dormobile

Top of Forum General Dormobiles from around the world South African Dormobile

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  • #9522
    Christo Strauss

      Good day. My Name is Christo Strauss, I found a Dormobile (Bedford CA – approx 1960-64) in a Barn, near Cape Town.

      This Bedford had apparently driven all the way down from England, through Africa, all the way to Cape Town. It is totally complete and original. the front end has got some nasty rust and I am in the process of cutting out and replacing panels.

      The Engine started almost Imediately, after more than 30 years of standing, and the gearbox also seems fine.

      What I wanted to know was if there were any South African members of the club – or does anybody know of any Bedford CA’s in South Africa?

      Also any suggestions as to where I can get parts – shipped to South Africa.

      Kind Regards

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