roof window rubbers

Top of Forum Technical Bedford roof window rubbers

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    I have a 1968 Bedford CA Dormobile and the rubbers for the roof windows could do with replacing. Can any boddy advise where I might get them from.


      Hi, yes you can still get these rubbers down at southampton from Dormobile phone number 01794830831 ask for Jim Bullock I had mine fitted while there, while my van was having a new roof canopy last year.


      Thanks cat I will give then a try.


        @martinca wrote:

        I have a 1968 Bedford CA Dormobile and the rubbers for the roof windows could do with replacing. Can any boddy advise where I might get them from.

        Well, I can advise where not to get them … Just Kampers.

        The ones I bought and installed a couple of years ago didn’t fit. It turns out that the fibreglass and window thicknesses are different, and the seal should have had equivalently different slot widths. But they didn’t; they were symmetrical. Result: much leakage.

        I will have to replace those seals by and by, but I’ll have to source them locally (US) since Just Kampers was the only company willing to ship overseas.

        I would ask that when you get the seals, you note the widths of the seal gaps and let me know. I could, of course, measure the window glass and fibreglass thicknesses when I remove the seals, but I’d rather have the right seal ready at hand without having to wait for the seals to arrive. My own roof goes on a 1971 VW, and I know they changed dimensions at some point, but 1968 and 1971 are close enough that I’m willing to take the gamble.

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