Rear bench seat?

Top of Forum Technical Land Rover Rear bench seat?

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    Hi all

    I am making enquiries about a late IIA Dormobile for sale interstate that (from pictures) appears to have a bench seat in the rear. Front seats look like the single and double Dormatic seats I have seen in pictures here, all finished in black vinyl. Have asked the owner to confirm if the back seat(s) fold and send pictures, but want to do my own homework too.

    Was there ever a folding rear bench seat in a Land Rover Dormobile?




      Welcome to the forum Roger, the rear seats can be used as two singles with a walk way between them, or they can be pushed together to form a “bench” seat. They also make two single beds or can be pushed together to form a double bed.

      Have a look through this site as I’m pretty sure there is a diagram of the seating arrangements as well as lots of other info 🙂


      Many thanks, jerryd – will investigate and report back


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