Jaunt to Tanger

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    Hello , we come back from our jaunt to Tanger , a short trip along Spain where we visited beautiful towns in Andalousie and a week spend in Tanger and its region then come back with the ferry Tanger-Sète .
    We didn’t have a lot of camping because we were most of the time in town and the climat was very hot , hotels were welcome .The Dormobile runs very well as it use , no problem and always a pleasure to stop anywhere for picnic or staying in the wild

    Burgos , the Cathedral

    Salamanque ,la Plaza Mayor

    Seville , l’Alcazar


    we reach the Ocean

    the terrasse of our house in Tanger at night

    the same in the day and the bay view

    place du Mechouar in the Casbah of Tanger

    Tanger and its fishing harbour

    the indefatigable Dormobile in the little streets of Tanger



      Hi Michel

      That must have been a wonderful holiday! Nice to see someone appreciating Spanish cities, instead of just racing down the motorways to the ferries. Thanks for a great report, and super photos!

      P.S. Est-ce que tu viens au BDS?


      @ant wrote:

      P.S. Est-ce que tu viens au BDS?

      Oui , c’est incontournable , j’ai cru voir que tu essayais d’y attirer quelques Dormobile ?
      Bonjour chez toi


        On fait ce que on peut …!

        Maybe Jeremy – but not sure. Le President je pense, et peut-etre ‘ le Petit Prince’ ?


        @ant wrote:

        On fait ce que on peut …!

        Maybe Jeremy – but not sure. Le President je pense, et peut-etre ‘ le Petit Prince’ ?

        Bonjour Anthony,

        Je serai bien sûr présent et surtout très heureux de te revoir.


        😀 bonjour
        michel merci pour tes photos (moi je me suis arrete a Valence et avec le range et l’eriba 😳 😳 )
        tu as voyagé selon tes “habitudes” x jrs dans la dor et x jrs a l’hotel?
        sinon, bien content de vous revoir au bal des series 😉 et oui jeremy est iscrit 🙂

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