I need help to set my bus

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    I am an owner of a VW Bay Window Deluxe 1973.

    Yesterday we were speaking together about a probleme regarding our Bay window.
    We have bought an intetrior comming from a Dormobile . But we can find exactly where all the pieces must be set; It’s like a big puzzle. We have nearly find evrything execept for the bed.
    We can not undertsand how the bed work. When you want to sleep, you have to open the bed , but i don’t know how and where to lock it.

    Perhaps you could help me setting this problem. Can you explain me how it works? Can you send me some pic of the details of yours?? that will be nice. Can you make a lot of pic because that will help me to finish my bus. ( only the interior ). This interior look very nice.

    Thanks for your help.



    hello, you can maybe find reponse there
    excuse me for my english 😳

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