Easy to find parts?

Top of Forum Classifieds Spares and Accessories Easy to find parts?

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    I’m new to all this, and I’m looking at getting a Bedford CA…hopefully, and I was wondering how easy it is to find and buy parts for restoration?

    Are there any other parts from differnt vehicles that can be used, that are easier to get hold of?

    Are their many places that sell old parts?

    I have seen a lot of posts on here for parts, but I was wondering how successful these people were in getting what they need.

    I hope someone can help,
    Many thanks,


    Martin, some parts are hard to get, however there is a collector in Leeds who has a stock pile of CA and CF parts he collects and sells these parts so most things can be got through him.



    Would the chap in Leeds be Adrian Bailey? The friend I bought my Bedford Landcruiser from got a lot of stuff off him, but I have’nt needed to order anything yet. When I do, he’ll be the first number I ring.


    yup, that’s him

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