dormobile fins

Top of Forum Technical Bedford dormobile fins

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  • #377

    Hi can anyone help i’m looking for a set of dormobile ca fins, the pointed ones as fitted to circa 61/2. If anyone has a set or will loan a set to take moulds off (i do laminating) this is for my brother who has a ca dormobile without the fins but would like to put a set on the same as our fathers brand new one when we were kids. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    cheers for now lester


    Hi Lester,
    Guess you have tried the obvious – Ebay – recently a couple of Dormy CAs being dismantled for parts… ❓


    John 🙂


    thanks john i’ve only just got on this one as i say it’s my brothers van and the fins would make his day.
    cheers lester

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