‘D O R M O B I L E ‘ cab door script question…

Top of Forum Technical Volkswagen ‘D O R M O B I L E ‘ cab door script question…

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    Hi all,
    splits have a chrome script badge on the cab door just under the mirror D_O_R_M_O_B_I_L_E type thing,not too disimilar to the _V_O_L_K_S_W_A_G_E_N_ on the tail gate.

    I know the Bays from about 71- had a badge in the same place but it was a sticker set within a chrome ‘block’ type badge. I notice on the Dormobile website that the early style chrome script is listed for split & early bay, so my question is….
    What year did the door badge change from chrome script to block badge?

    any really know?
    Cheers – Rob


    update,spoke to Jim at Dormobile,he reckons the chrome script only carried into the first 18 months of Bay production,however there is no definate date or document to confirm or deny.so F,G & some early H reg models may have script.

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