
Top of Forum Technical Land Rover Curtains

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    It’s about time I fitted my 110 Dormobile with some curtains.
    What’s the best way to go about it , household curtain track or something else?
    Anyone got the measurements of what fabric lengths I would need?



    Phil Perfect

      Try this :
      or any other company selling silent gliss tracks

      For the fabric length, it’s a bit up to you, depending on what type of curtain you want to put.
      Don’t forget extra length that will allow to properly shade the bottom of the windows and for closing properly the two parts for the windscreen.


        Don’t know if anyone has posted this – courtesy of the LRCC site:

        “This is what I have measured for my truck:

        2 x front curtains – 54″ wide by 23″ deep
        1 x RHS passenger door to wardrobe (assuming you have the wardrobe fitted) – 48″ wide x 23″ deep
        1 x LHS passenger door to cooker – 34″ wide by 23″ deep
        1 x LHS passenger (over cooker) – 42″ wide x 23″ deep
        1 x rear door – 30″ wide by 23″ deep
        2 x roof curtains – 32″ wide by 20″ deep (needs curtain tape top and bottom)
        Also, you will need 2 small curtains to cover the back windows to suit. These will have popper fixings.”

        These measurements were provided by Ian in Malibu USA taken from his Dormobile ‘ Zuma’.



          ^^ I made my curtains to those measurements but some were not wide enough , I made another set but made sure they were a bit wider. I can’t remember which ones they were but worth checking before you start 🙂

          How’s the restoration going Gary ??


            Not started yet Jerry – but I have put a 1971 109 S11a softtop and a 1983 S111 109 ex army softtop back on the road in

            the last year – not to mention a VW Country Buggy – so I haven’t been lying around watching Oprah too much. The next

            ones to get attention will be a 1972 VW Dormobile, 1951 Morris Minor Convertible and then the Land Rover Dormobile.

            And I moved house after 25 years in May – 8 cars and 2 storeys of accumulated treasures!

            I’ve moved to Woody Point – closer to you Jerry! – and now have a 200sqm shed at Brendale to work in once I get rid of

            a bit more stuff.


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