ca exterior body mouldings and fixings

Top of Forum Classifieds Spares and Accessories ca exterior body mouldings and fixings

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    Hi, i am in need of some exterior body mouldings and fixings for my bedford 1969 ca camper van can anyone help please?


    Hi Dolly,

    Try and get hold of Tony through the Classic Camper van club, (sorry I don’t know his surname, I met him at a recent show and he has a spare dorma in his garden used for spares) you could also try they break old CA’s.



      Hi dolly, I might be the same Tony that Stu mentioned about having a spare ca in my back garden. Unfortunatly it does not have the ally strips on the side it once had the fibre glass wings but they are long gone now, before I got the van. To be honest theres not a lot of spares on the van although it was the Deaville model.
      What is on the ca I want to keep for my own ca which incidentally is featured in the new October Practical Classic Mag. Im the fat miserable block reading the mag in the deck chair
      There was a chap by the name of Jim Potts who tried to remanufacture the strips but could not get enough people interested he needed at least 10 people but could only get 3 or 4 to go towards the cost, so gave up the idea, shame. Dont know if Jim is still on the forum, as he has now sold his ca but he could still get the rubber infills a year or so ago. Sorry I could not be of any help. Just keep looking on ebay or the forum or even join the ccc or dormobile clubs something might turn up one day. good luck. Tony ( Cat )


      hi tony
      i my bee able to help you soon as i have been trying to get new mouldings for my van for the last 2 years i have ordered some moulding and awaiting the arrival hoping that they soft enough to to bend
      dave glanfield


      That is the same tony, we met at Woborn abbey, Looking forward to the next pratical classic magazine. do you have any of the thumbwheel window locks left on your doner bus?

      stu & gemma


        Hi Stu, I will try and look over the weekend its covered over at the moment. I will let you know. yes the artical is now on sale in the practical classics great pictures of the ca but as I said before pity about the fat bloke with dirty knees sitting in the deckchair, I didnt want to be in the photos anyway. My van is back down at Dormobiles in Southampton at the moment trying to get the roof and the little damage sorted. Hoping to get it back next monday 20th as its booked in on the 21st at Billing for another photo shoot this time for a new book I think its called Cool Camper Vans.
        Is your van back from Cornwall yet ? and will you be going to the kettering show on the 25th and 26th September ?

        Also thanks to you Dave about the ally strip, keep us informed if you get any. I want to take the wings off over the winter and put them back on straight and with the proper rivits this time. When I got the van, a previous owner took them off and used screws to fix them back.
        So I cant get the rubber infill back in the tracks.


        Hi Tony (I’ll ask about the CAT nickname another time),

        Our Bitsey did the cornwall run with ease, 10hours to cruise down there (running the engine in), 6 hours to get back, was doing a happy 60/65 on the return until the exhaust snapped off just below the manifold, no way to do a temporary repair so the final hundred miles was very noisy. Hopefully we will be at the kettering show but if we are then you will hear us coming, as I won’t have had time to replace the exhaust before then! Off to tescos in a bit and hopefully will pick the PC magazine to see your bus. have you seen that note about 2 CA’s for sale for £300! bargain if you ask me. if I had the room…



          Hi Stu,
          Yes heard about those 2 vans about a month or two ago he has been contacting quite a few people that I know to try to get rid of them he even phoned Jim down at Dormobile in Southampton a few weeks back, if of course they are the same 2, but im sure they are, because ones the same colour as mine the other is a basic romany in blue. as you say its a pity i dont have the room as well. if you want to contact me through my email address its still havnt had time to look at the van, was it the thum screws on the sliding doors ?
          I will probably only be at kettering on the sunday the 26th as I will be at St Judes farm, Haynes Bedfordshire just off the A6 between Bedford and Luton on the 25th.
          I think Dean will be at both shows either in his blue ca, the very same one which is pictured on this forum when looking at the bedford ca models at the beginning, or his 59 velox friary.
          Dont know if you or any one else is interested but a very good friend of mine is restoring a 1962 Ford Thames Kenex camper, Dormobile later bought Kenex out.
          He is restoring it in my back garage and has started a website of his progress you or anybody (the more the better) can join the website and put on their own photos of there vehicles they dont have to be camper vans or even Fords in fact a very good friend. Jimbo has put photos of his Bedford CA Deaville from start to finish of his restro.
          the website is it hasnt been updated lately as he is now saving up for his next part of taking it to Birmingham to get it acid dipped. also he needs to borrow or hire a trailer, so if anyone out there could help with that in the Northampton area I know he would be very gratefull.
          Bye for now


          daves photos of the mouldings on the side of ca 001


            Sorry Dave, I dont understand. Do you have photos of the mouldings on the forum ? How can I get them ?
            Check out that website I put on this page. I hope you dont mind but I added a photo of your van before you worked your magic on it.
            If you click on website then go to members photos then click on Caity”s friends your picture will be there.
            If you join the site you can add your photos. Its free and fun. This also applys to any other who has an interest in classic vehicles


            sorry cat i will put the photos of my van as soon as i can up lift them . the mouldings or from metal mouldings tel dennis wright 01527 821012
            this is the same man as jim pots was going to get them of as i have spoke to dennis about the 13 mil mouldings as he as the form to make them
            well i do not wont to go on but i got the 16 ml he has in stock they or a little hard to bend but i managed with a hot air gun and i made a jig to bend them round
            i got black plastic inserts and they look fantastic on my van it as took me the best part of 2 years to sort out and i ham made up it has put the finishing touch to my van 😀 😆 8)
            dave glanfield
            ps cat you have done a good job putting my van on yore fends site


            photos of the moulding i have put on my van
            dave glanfield

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