Bedford CA Spares

Top of Forum Classifieds Spares and Accessories Bedford CA Spares

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  • #1095

    Hi All
    I am selling off all my spares for the Bedford ca
    if you are interested
    please PM me your needs and I will let you know
    If I have it and how much I want for It
    Thanks Jim


    I have a Bedford Doormobil which Ipurchases in 1966 it has been in my garrage for the last 30 years and I have lost the keys. can you help?
    Chassis No 164077
    Engin No 164084
    Thank you
    Barry Wakelen


    Hi what is the number of the key?
    Regards Jim


    I’m sure that I asked you this before but do you have any short wheelbase front door windows and frames.
    I have LWB ones but so it would seem does everyone else.
    Regards Alik


    Sorry can,t help
    Regards Jim


    hi i have a bedford ca 1967
    would you have a gearbox linkage for sale please, or know where i could get one
    thanks peter

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