Wanted: Land Rover Dormobile

Top of Forum Classifieds Dormobiles Wanted: Land Rover Dormobile

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    Hello all, my name is Jason. I am Canadian and currently studying in the UK. I am looking for a Land Rover Dormobile that is in good running condition. I have seen two examples here in the UK that are very nice but expensive (£12K) and I wanted to know if anyone else knows of a less expensive one (or who may be interested in selling their own). I would like to find one by the end of the April if possible.
    Cheers, Jason


    Hi Jason, I have a club member who is selling one at the moment for £600 (assuming it’s not been sold) I’m not sure condition you will want the vehicle to be in?

    I know of the £12000 vehicle on eBay…that’s a bit mad I would expect a fully restored show condition vehicle to go for circa £5000. Good condition for £3000 and a runner but with work required for £1-2000.

    Send me an email on sec@dormobile.co.uk if you would like the contact details for the £600 vehicle.



    Hi Jonny
    Should we be talking about the dormie located in Hants, then I can inform it is a V8, M reg, as I spoke to the landlady. I assume it should be a stage one although I did not know of dormobile conversions out of Stage One ❓
    Your views?


    Hi John,
    I tried the email you posted above and it came back to me. I resent it to .org.uk instead and it has not come back. Please let me know if the address is incorrect.
    Cheers, Jason


    hello! about that v8 dormobile – is it complete, or the furniture is missing?
    Is it possible to get pics of it? It would be nice to know which club member we are talking about, maybe his member number, so i can get in contact with him, through my club member list.
    Thank you!
    José – Portugal


    I don’t have any detail on the vehicle, except it’s 1975 and has a full set of cupboards. The member is 386.



    Hi all,

    Here it is, chassis number says it was a 6 pot…

    Remember it is not mine….


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