Thermostat question

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    I am taking my van Debonair to Europe this summer and I was wondering if there was a thermostat that would open at a slightly lower temperature. I have done this to many of my old (modern) cars like 405s and Mondeos with success. I presume our type of thermostat was used on many different cars of the time and I’m sure one of them must have had a cooler open temp, any ideas?


      I’ve been told to knock the middle out of mine so that the van will run cooler. I haven’t done it yet, so can’t make any comments yet.


      if you knock the middel out
      it will take longer to warm up
      thats all

      yes you chane swap the stat
      for one from a morris minor
      i think a co called east sussex minors (ESM)
      sell them if not thay will know who will


      I thought something like that would be possible. Is it from any particular model of Minor? Something like this?


        grumpydad said :

        if you knock the middel out
        it will take longer to warm up
        thats all

        It can also cause cavitation and b****r the water pump. 😈
        Increased warm-up time doubles engine wear too. Your local motor factor should have an application list for thermostats – about 76 degrees should be about right.


        yes that will do but what temp will it open at ?

        if you are going to do long distance
        why dont you fit a bigger rad
        there is lots of room in the front
        or a eletrick fan on a switch
        you could get thease out of a modern
        if you do you have to get a fan it must be one that fits on the front of the rad
        if it was me i would fit a bigger rad
        and expation tank

        link for stat


        hi olly
        i do not think changing the thermostat is the answer unless its giving you problems i ward flush the engine and the radiator out as you get a lot of sediment build up that needs to be removed. and you do not get in traffic jams in France nice long roads to get lots of wind in the radiator
        all the best dave glanfield


        You’re probably correct Dave, I just wanted to take some precautions. I have already flushed the engine and radiator and fitted a new stat but the engine hasn’t run for more than an hour or two at tick over for the last eleven years so I shall get her on the road before making any changes. Thanks all for advice.

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