Land rover dormobile seat belts and removable head rests

Top of Forum Technical Land Rover Land rover dormobile seat belts and removable head rests

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    Has anyone any tips 🙄 for easy retrofitting seatbelts to a 1963 landrover, please?

    And as I’m having the dormatic seats reupholstered, was thinking that now would be a good time to figure out how to fit removable head rests to them. Has anyone seen or done this modification?

    Kind regards



    Hi paul, I’ve never seen this done to a Domatic Seat, it would be a great idea and safety device if you can get it done. i thunk the main problem is that the Dormatic seat is quite low, so a head rest would have to project up quite high before it reached head height.



    Take the point and would not anything that is out of keeping and ugly.

    Will have a measure up and visit some scrappy’s methinks.

    Kind regards


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