kitchen unit details please

Top of Forum Technical Land Rover kitchen unit details please

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      My “new” dormobile has had it’s kitchen unit butchered by the PO.
      Would someone be kind enough to post some pictures (or send me them) of the exterior and interior of the cupboard please?
      Mine now has a single door, hinged at the bottom, that closes under the grill / sink, instead of the two doors.

      Dimensions would be fantastic as well please.

      Many thanks



        Here’s the only two pics I have of my new “Dormobile” supplied unit. I was really annoyed that it arrived damaged 👿 and wasn’t too impressed with the quality of fittings.
        I’m going to restore the original eventually as it seems better quality. I’ll take more pics wednesday.


        😀 salut alex,
        des que je suis rentré chez moi je te poste des photos et des dimensions
        (je suis en vacances en bretagne 😉 )


        Hello Alex ,
        if I understand your posts , you are renewing an other Dormobile , I have seen a pic with 2 chassis and an original body , can you explain us or did I miss something ?


          Mr Jones – visitez mon post qui s’appelle “new comer in my garage” !
          Un autre Dormoble – c’est vrai




          Bon courage Alex !

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