
Top of Forum Technical Bedford Insulation

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  • #614
    Phil Perfect

      I had recently put my hand on a Dormobile add telling that

      all Dormobile Romany caravans for the 1965 season are fitted with Isoflex insulation between the inner and outer walles and roof panels


      From what I have seen so far, mine has no insulation at all. Does anybody have some?
      If not, how did you insulate your Dormobile? Any drawbacks?


        Hi Phil, is this what your on about?

        Phil Perfect

          So if I understand well, it’s a kind of polystyrene… with very limited efficiency.

          PS : Gary please send a mail to Jonny (, it seems he hasn’t got your email so can’t transfer my message to you


            It is only polystyrene. I couldn’t tell any difference at all. I’ll mail Jonny now. 😀


            Gaz, I’ve got your e-mail but have deleted Phils…….very sorry….phil can you send to me again… 😳 😳 😳

            Phil Perfect

              🙄 😆 😉


              The deed is done…. 😀


              Things got no better with the CF Land Cruiser- the brochure bragged about 3mm insulation- ooer! As I get round my resto, Im adding silver backed sleeping mats cut to shape all round (bargain from Lidls when the camping season starts- £5 each), when I make new interior panels, I will fill remaining gaps with loft insulation. Between the wooden floor and walls I removed all the ‘bath sponge’ that collected road spray and filed with filler foam. That said, dont poke your head underneath to see where its all falling out- ended up with a ‘Lazytown’ bouffant which I had to hacksaw off and then shave my head- who said refurbing wasnt fun?

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