I had a dream…

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    Hello everybody,

    My name is Philippe and I live in France (Paris). I’m 46 years old and father of two children. My nickname is Little Prince in reference to the hero of Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s novel.
    I drive a Land Rover Series since 2004. My first was a Series III 88 and following an accident after a trip in the south of Tunisia, I bought a Series IIA 109 SW.
    And today, I realize a dream: drive a Land Rover DORMOBILE. This dream came true thanks to my friend Marc78 who sold me his vehicle. I will try to be worthy of this honor to drive such a vehicle.
    The first time I saw a DORMOBILE was in 2005 when I fell in love with MrJones’s beautiful vehicle. And since that day, I thought “one day I will have one! “.
    MrJones, Michel J and Mark 78 are longtime friends and I am honored to join them in this “exclusive club” of DORMOBILE owners in France (with some others).
    I had the opportunity a few days ago to meet at Bannegon Anthony and his wife. They are very nice and I hope to see them again on the roads.
    From now on, I’ll make some cosmetic work on my new car and then “en route” for wonderful trips: Corsica, Greece, Ireland, Scotland, Morocco … and hopefully many others.
    I may have lots of question for you and I thank you in advance for your help.
    Above all, I hope to meet you soon on the roads …




        hello “petitprince”! 😉

        bel achat!! ravi pour toi!


        Très content que cette auto soit entre tes mains
        A bientôt


        Merci 😀


        Bien venu parmi nous et je te souhaite plein de belles balades


          A belated welcome to the forum Philippe 😳

          It was nice meeting you at the BDS. Congratulations on your aquisition, and hope to see you again soon 😀

          Kind regards,


          😀 un grand bonjour et bienvenue philippe 😉


          Hello LittlePrince,
          Congratulation for that Dormobile : I think it’s a good thing for you and your travel’s wish!
          What cosmetic work have you planned on it ? ➡
          You mention that « following an accident » you buy another land rover. I didn’t know that 😳 : Do you mean the body damages on your series 3, have persuad you to give up with that car ? I knew, there was also some mechanical problems on it (mainly engine, but not only) : was it the sum of all these elements or just the accident which bring on the decision to buy another one ? ❓


          @MANU21 wrote:

          You mention that « following an accident » you buy another land rover. I didn’t know that 😳 : Do you mean the body damages on your series 3, have persuad you to give up with that car ? I knew, there was also some mechanical problems on it (mainly engine, but not only) : was it the sum of all these elements or just the accident which bring on the decision to buy another one ? ❓

          Hello Manu,
          In response at your question : both 😉


          It’s been a lot less pain than feared to finally sell the “river boat” ( La péniche in french) owing to the magic sound of the 6 pot.
          As mentioned previously, lack of use drove the tough decision so looking forward now :
          Philippe will give her what she deserves : outdoors and cosmetics!

          I am a happy bunny



          Yes Marc , and did you noticed that our Prince Philip speaks very well english , better than the old chap


          @MrJones wrote:

          Yes Marc , and did you noticed that our Prince Philip speaks very well english , better than the old chap


          I’m very touched by your compliment.

          J’espère que j’ai pas faux sur ce coup là :mrgreen:


          Rassures toi , j’ai un anglais très scolaire et qui date un peu , j’ai toujours le Robert et Collins à côté ( c’est un conseil pour notre old chap )
          j’ai trouvé que tes phrases étaient bien tournées
          Tiens j’ai commencé à monter des paraboliques sur la Dor qui devenait de plus en plus inconfortable , j’aimais pourtant son côté un peu avachi ( ce que Manu appelle la patine) alors j’ai mis le modèle 3 lames au lieu de 4 à l’arrière et malgré ça , elle est bien haute et je crois bien que je ne vais plus pouvoir entrer dans mon garage , j’ai quand même eu la bonne idée de les changer à l’extérieur 💡


          Bonjour Mr Jones,

          J’étais un peu absent ces derniers temps sur ce forum.
          Une Dor en restauration et l’on existe plus ………….
          Peux-tu m’en dire plus sur tes lames paraboliques? J’ai toujours pensé que pour un véhicule chargé ce n’était pas la panacée?


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