Converting Air Filter

Top of Forum Technical Bedford Converting Air Filter

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    I have a 1958 Bedford CA Utilacon with oil bath air filter. Does anyone have any thoughts on how effective this arrangement is? Is there a simple way of converting to a pancake air filter, for instance?


    I have an oil bath type air filter on all of my cars and have never had a problem with them You just have to remember to check the oil regularly and to occasionally wash out the gauze filter in petrol, plus the engine was designed to run with this type of filter from the factory and changing the filter arrangements can sometimes have an adverse affect on engine idling and general perfomance,also there isn’t much room under there to get a pancake to fit.


    I thought about this on my Debonair. The original air filter assembly is quite bulky and doesn’t look as efficient as a modern paper type filter. I considered making a small airbox to replace it. Problem is you will most likely find yourself playing about with carb jets and settings etc.

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