Re: Re: Swiss Rendezvous 1
Top of Forum › General › Trip Reports › Swiss Rendezvous 1 › Re: Re: Swiss Rendezvous 1
The second Swiss Rendezvous was really nice thanks to Tony’s hospitality, good weather, and a great campsite. I was glad to meet Jabbawocky, his family, and Barney, which has turned out to be a very nice Dormobile. The kids had a great time together.
Typical discussions of awnings and road springs, engine transplants and rust repair, portable refrigeration, last-minute preparations, English weather and traffic conditions. It was a great opportunity to see how others use the interior space of their Dormobiles, and to admire Mick’s terrific new curtains.
Unfortunately my fuel pump gave up on the way home, quite near the campsite, but I pushed the Dormobile to a farm so it didn’t have to stay on the roadside. Tony took us to the train station and I’ll be sorting it this week.
Two of the many guises of a 1969/1970 Land Rover Dormobile:
Mick’s got some bling on his roof rack, and a very nice awning. Everything’s out to dry after a few days of rain:
The first-rate toilet block (turkish-style, next to the barn) and the snow on the mountain:
The (free) campsite was at the end of a road. It had stopped raining so I didn’t need my new rear awning; I just wanted to show it off:
Room with a view: