Re: Re: Roof wiring: “Roof up” warning light

Top of Forum Technical Land Rover Roof wiring: "Roof up" warning light Re: Re: Roof wiring: “Roof up” warning light


    Hello Jeremy,

    I still have the original roof warning circuit in Bea, the lamp takes a positive feed on a white cable from the switched side of the ignition switch so is only live when the ignition is on. The lamp is earthed as you are aware by the roof switch, this earth cable on Bea lies across the roof lining and exits down through the L/H side of the windscreen devider. i also have an original SW Cab Light and the switched earth for this goes up the R/H side of the devider!
    The original lamp is a small ‘ribbed or corrugated’ red lens fitted to the L/H side of the Dash below the Aux Power sockets, there is no buzzer on my early 61, but I have seen (and still have somewhere) an elaborate ‘transistorised’ box that did just that fitted to a later roof.
