Re: Re: Roof wiring: “Roof up” warning light

Top of Forum Technical Land Rover Roof wiring: "Roof up" warning light Re: Re: Roof wiring: “Roof up” warning light


    Thanks, everyone.

    I’m sure I can find a convenient white wire to splice for my “roof up” lamp as soon as I finally open the dash panel and take a look.

    The wires and their insulation are fragile, so I didn’t want to meddle too much with them, which is why I was hoping there would be a simple place to tap the power with an eyelet and a screw.

    I won’t need it to blink or buzz, at least not for now.

    By chance I even have an extra facetted Land Rover warning light that I can put into my dash panel in the new vehicle, for the original look!

    Things will come together sooner or later!
