Re: Re: renewing roof seals

Top of Forum Technical Other renewing roof seals Re: Re: renewing roof seals


    The “H”-profile for my Land Rover Martin Walter roof is asymmetric, as the window is thicker than the fiberglass: I think it is 3mm on the roof side and 4 or 5mm on the window side (please don’t take my word for it of course, and caliper your own roof and windows). I put the first one in backwards and wasn’t making progress in the corner, and had to switch it round.

    I bet you’ll easily find a supplier of seals in CA. Lots of old cars have this type of 2-part seal so I bet any autoglass shop would have a tip on a supplier or even sell it to you from their stocks. You could even get a chromed filler strip 😉

    I got my (roof) window seals from Dormobile LTD, just took a while. I think Tim gets them from the company whose site I sent you.
