Re: Re: Land rover dormobiles BIG DO 2009

Top of Forum General Upcoming Events Land rover dormobiles BIG DO 2009 Re: Re: Land rover dormobiles BIG DO 2009


@Bea wrote:

Hello Folks,

Has a decision been made on a date for this yet? I am considering a long weekends camping trip sometime in June/July and am aware that Mick (Jabbawokey) needs some roof racks delivered?


Hi Phil,

I am in touch with Mick re. roof rack transportation end of july, but Mick is still unsure if these (2 racks!) will fit onto his trailer, should know soon though…
In case you do come over to France (and why not to the event now on 25/26th july near Soissons, would you have some capacity for racks?
Kind regards