Re: Re: Land Rover Dormobile “available shortly” perhaps

Top of Forum Classifieds Dormobiles Land Rover Dormobile "available shortly" perhaps Re: Re: Land Rover Dormobile “available shortly” perhaps


    Sorry, Alex, it was a list server I was trying to point you to. Try this site for how to use it:

    I post and reply to this address and it goes to a list of Dormobile owners, mostly in the U.S.

    There were recently a lot of messages exchanged about how great it would be to have a 110 Dormobile and how now that the first 110’s are 25 years old they can be imported without hassle. I do think there’s some interest. As far as the newer engine, the folks in the U.S. interested in such vehicles will know better about the import rules and what vehicles qualify as 25 years old.
