Re: Re: Hello: Land Rover Series 2A restoration

Top of Forum General Say Hello Hello: Land Rover Series 2A restoration Re: Re: Hello: Land Rover Series 2A restoration


    Hi John

    I started off by splitting the original springs, grinding all the rust off, sanding them, painting them with rust killer and then covering them in Graphite grease. The front springs are as you see them. The rear springs were great until we went camping. As soon as I loaded her up, down went the back end. After talking to Phil (Bea) I ordered a pair of 4 leaf Rocky Mountain parabolic springs for the rear axle. They are high at present as Barney is relatively empty.

    The shockers are standards on the front and military combat chassis shocks on the rear (they are a couple of inches longer than standard shock). Barney was very interesting to drive after I fitted the new rear springs. The standard rear shocks were too short and every time I went round a corner, the wheels tried to come off the ground. Drives great now I have fitted the extended shocks.

    Hope this helps
