Re: Re: Greetings from Stamford

Top of Forum General Say Hello Greetings from Stamford Re: Re: Greetings from Stamford


Hi Mike and welcome to the forum.

You should be able to upload attachments, as this is enabled. Try the following:

To add an attachment, find the Upload attachment section of the posting page ( just below the Save Preview Submit buttons when posting you should see Options Upload attachment ). Click on “Upload attachment” and then to select your files click the Browse button. A comment may be placed in the File comment text box. Clicking Add the file will upload and attach the file to the post. To upload multiple files, repeat the process.

To delete an attachment, find the Posted attachments section of the posting page and click the Delete file button for the desired attachment.

Attachments can be displayed within the post text by clicking the Place inline button for the desired attachment. When an attachment is placed inline, text similar to a BBCode is inserted into the post text so that it may be moved. If an attachment is not placed inline, it will be displayed at the end of the post.

Attachments are controlled by a set of restrictions, namely file size and file type.

File Size: The maximum file size for uploaded files is set by the Administrator. The default is 256KiB.

File Type: The types of files allowed for upload are restricted by their file extension. The allowed extensions are set by the Administrator.

Let me know if you still have problems.
