Re: Re: Documentation of OEM approval

Top of Forum Technical Land Rover Documentation of OEM approval Re: Re: Documentation of OEM approval


    Hello Jeremy,
    The period literature which I suspect you have one or two of clearly states that the conversion is Land Rover Approved. The standard advertising is in the format designated by Land Rover for all forms of official conversions. I feel a persuasive case could be made that the format of the adverts directed/dictated by Land Rover was proof of ‘official status’ in itself. The format of these adverts is standard across the range of available options from crop sprayer to cherry pickers!
    Other options to build a portfolio of evidence would include a heritage certificate, this would reflect the evidence from the factory records and state the date of despatch from the factory to Martin Walter for the conversion. I have spent a lot of time going through the factory records and am not aware of any surviving Dormobiles that do not have a reference to ”Despatch to Martin Walter, Folkestone’ or Dormobile Folkestone or MW/Dormobile Dover.
    Digressing slightly the vast majority of the records are annotated with the ‘Despatch to Martin Walter, Folkestone’ statement including some knockdown kits generally for South Africa. Other variations are a number annotated ‘Martin Walter for Deutsche Rover’ on L/H Drive Export chassis, presumeably the Germany Dormobiles. I believe that were the official importer for Rover and Land Rover in Germany, a google search for ‘Deutsche Rover GMBH’ does not seem to turn up much other than this advert but if they survive in some form they may also have records that may help your case?
