Re: Re: carb and valves

Top of Forum Technical Bedford carb and valves Re: Re: carb and valves


    Hi Jera
    I too have converted my CA 1598cc to run on a weber 34 ich. The old Zenith suffered badly from warping of the emulsion block casting that fits on top of the float housing. I assume it was years of heat from the exhaust that caused it. The weber only required a small modification of the throttle lever to make it fit and a sleeve placed in the air cleaner to reduce the diameter. The only downside was the air cleaner sat in a slightly diferent place and clearence to the top of the footwell was poor. It sometimes knocked if not installed in just the right place. General running was fine although in very cold damp weather it does ice up. The only other problem was fuel vaporization with a hot engine on re-start. This only started after using un-leaded fuel (hardened valve seats fitted) and one day i will get round to insulating the metal fuel line that runs along the side of the rocker cover and see if it helps. I found Gosney’s 01708 740668 very helpful in supplying some exhaust valves.
    Hope this helps
    Regards John