Re: Re: Bedford CA – What is this bus?

Top of Forum Technical Bedford Bedford CA – What is this bus? Re: Re: Bedford CA – What is this bus?


    Hi the vehicle you describe is i believe the 11 seater PSV [12 if you include the driver]the seating plan is a single next to the driver,2further single seats to the near side,2 double seats to the off side with 4 seats across the rear all seats are forward facing and high back.The coach has string racks on both sides and four internal lights in the saloon.I used to operate one commercially [LBY 167D] and at the moment am converting one back to a coach that like yours had been converted to a camper.I have carried out a major rebuild on mine which has just “turned the corner” and I can now see where I am going,just made the seats.Mine is the one that Rob Hawdon owned for a short time [He is a friend ]Reg number HCB 576F The one used in Heart Beat was/still is owned by Empress Coaches of Hastings.I have several photos of work in progress should you wish to see the work ahead if you embark on a restoration.I live in Lincolnshire and you are welcome to view it if you wish.If yours was operated as a coach if given the reg the PSV Circle would be able to give you some history.