Re: Re: 1960 CA colours?
Top of Forum › Technical › Bedford › 1960 CA colours? › Re: Re: 1960 CA colours?
Hi, I have a 1958 Porthole model dormobile which I am ” working on”. Fortunately the previous owner wrote the colours on the van. These are Opaline Green, Manilla (Cream) and internally Vellum. These colours appear to be the same as the Bedford Dormobile shown in the advertisement for the CA model shown on this site for the early dormobile CA model.
On further investigation I believe the colours come from British Standards BS-381C. In this Opaline Green is number 275, Manilla 367 and Vellum 365 which, with the paint manufacturers colour card do match the colours of my CA. I would suggest you visit a good trade paint supplier and ask for a BS-381C colour chart. There are I believe around 120 colours in the BS-381C range.
By using a standard of colours eg BS-381C the vehicle manufacturer would always be able to supply new vehicles and their agents repair/respray vehicles to a standard colour range.
Don`t forget that the suns uv ray`s will, over a period of time affect some paint colours especially red and similar colours. Therefore if your CA was painted long ago, the colour could have faded.
Trust this is of assistance.
Best regards
of Northampton