Reply To: Dormatic Seats for a Land Rover for sale

Top of Forum Classifieds Spares and Accessories Dormatic Seats for a Land Rover for sale Reply To: Dormatic Seats for a Land Rover for sale


    Hi Phil,

    Have you still got these seats?

    I got a nice SIII Station Wagon from the local fire department up and running over Christmas with a heap of new parts. The work was fun but taxing on my wife … Not sure if the family could take me restoring my Dormobile 🙁

    I saw your seats and it occurred to me that I might rather do as you did and make a pseudo-Dormobile from spares rather than stripping my poor Dormobile.

    Does anyone have an extra roof, including cots (or frames, at least)?

    We could discuss over email:

    jkhackney @ yahoo . com
